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New GC-TS Theme fig with Assessment.png

Theme 1
Assessment of trauma and its consequences


1.  GPS screener

Global Psychotrauma Screen (GPS):  The development of a short screener of the wide range of potential consequences of trauma Read more.

2.  GPS Child & Teen

Global Psychotrauma Screen (GPS) for children (GPS-C) and teenagers (GPS-T)

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3.  Translated screening instruments

Different Language Versions of PTSD Screening Questionnaires
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4.   CARTS:

A novel online survey methodology: Childhood Attachment and Relational Trauma Screen (CARTS).

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5. Trauma and ageing

Assessment of trauma and its consequences in old age

- ON TRACK: ON TRAumatiC stress and ageing: a global networK (ON TRACK) ().

- TRADE: Looking into Trauma and Dementia e.g. developing an instrument to assess PTSD in oder adults with dementia.

- The lifetime prevalence and incidence of trauma exposure and PTSD among older adults: a systematic review 

- Treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder in older adults: a systematic review of the evidence

The diagnostic accuracy of trauma and PTSD assessment in older adults: a systematic review

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6. G-Stress: Assessment – Translation and validation of measures of trauma and traumatic distress in accordance with ICD-11 guidelines.

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7. Trauma, Bereavement and Grief

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8. Assessment of Trauma Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

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9. Moral injury

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Theme 2
Forcibly displaced persons
Sunset Soccer


1. D-STRESS: Post-displacement stressors and mental health of refugees and asylum-seekers. 

2. FUTURE: a global network of reFUgee TraUmatic stress REsearch.

3. Nadiya: Health of Ukrainian displaced persons - Risk and supportive factors in response to the war 

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Theme 3
Global prevalence of stress and trauma related disorders 
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1. G-Stress: A global assessment of the ICD-11 stress-related disorders.

2. Global SVRP: Sexual violence related pregnancies around the world.

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Theme 4
Socio-emotional development across cultures
Picture theme Emotion Regulation- Moniqu


1. CROSS-ER: Cross cultural Emotion Recognition in traumatized individuals across the life span. Read more

2. CM SEC: Child Maltreatment: identifying Socio-Emotional Consequences. 

2.1. Impact of Child Maltreatment on Preferred Interpersonal Distance

2.2 Child Maltreatment through a Cross-Cultural Lens 

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Theme 5
Collaborating to make traumatic stress research data “FAIR”



​Building fair data tools & infrastructure

1. Findable trauma data

2. Toolkit for FAIR traumatic stress data 

3. Reusable trauma data 

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4. Traumatic grief 

5. Child trauma

6. Adult trauma treatment

7. Veterans

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Theme 6 - Global crises
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6.1 Global COVID-19-related traumatic stress activities


Ten projects focus on COVID-19 in different settings, details on the project pages:

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6.2 Global crisis - Climate change​


1. Climate change and mental health network

2. Differential impacts of and responses to climate change

3. The multifaceted mental health burden of climate change

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6.3 Global crisis - Armed Conflict



1. Developing a position paper on physical and psychological survival of war stress

2. Nadiya: Health of Ukrainian displaced persons - Risk and supportive factors in response to the war 

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Theme 7
Treatments across cultures
People and Flower Graffiti
Interventions and treatments for trauma-related disorders across cultures


1. Cultural Adaptations for Psychotherapeutic Interventions for PTSD: a narrative review ​

2. Global Perspectives on Culturally Sensitive Trauma Training - STUDENT PROJECT*

3. Searching for expertise on mental health support for victims of severe intimate partner violence around the world

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